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In , an year old woman was horrendously raped in Rome, Italy, and 7 years after the rapist walked free. Founded by Patti Occhiuzzo Giggans, the day has become an internationally-recognized rape prevention education campaign. Space to Speak was also at the forefront of advocacy on Denim Day as they initiated their own robust social media campaign. Together, we are a global network , strong and growing every day!
The addition of Virginia Transformer and IEM allows us to expand our product offerings so we can more wholly and completely service our electric utility customers with packaged groups of products for more complete substation solutions. With high-demand due to the current wildfires, new development, aging infrastructure, and expanding need for substations, mobile units, and power generation, the timing of these new contracts is more important than ever. IEM has solutions for utility companies, and Virginia Transformer has solutions for electrical utilities, EPC firms, commercial and industrial power entities, including data centers, refineries, and heavy industrial organizations. Virginia Transformer is known for offering a variety of transformers ranging in size from kva to mva, and IEM offers switchgear, panel boards, and unit substations. We look forward to building stronger relationships with our electric utility, critical infrastructure, and EPC customers through their relationships with PPR.
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- Almost ten years ago, in Spring , I supervised a thesis written by Micha Schimmel simply called Bitcoin.
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- Интерьер квартиры в классическом стиле
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- Kindness is love in action. This powerful three-part teaching series explores kindness from a three-dimensional perspective — upward, inward and outward.
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- As we look ahead to the future, the significance of supply chain resiliency continues to grow in an increasingly complex and interconnected global landscape. In this era of evolving technologies, shifting consumer demands, and unpredictable disruptions, businesses must embrace innovative strategies to build resilient supply chains.
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